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Modern brain-research has enabled us to observe and understand the human brain better than ever.  A deeper understanding of the brain's components while engaged  enables educators to not only facilitate the learning process by engaging attention and emotion, but also to identify and coordinate with specialists to mitigate potentially devastating deficits that negatively impact cognition and the learning process.


This program exposed me to modern brain-research that has increased my awareness of classroom practices and design concepts that enhance teaching capacity. This program has also made me aware of typical brain development as a person ages, and common problems that impair our ability to learn.

Skills Gained:


  • Knowledge about typical brain development and its impact on education

  • Improve classrooms using concepts proven to enhance emotion and learning, memory, attention, cognitive development, learning differences, literacy, and numeracy

  • Identify problems and deficits that impact learning and methods of collaboration for solutions to the problems



IProgram Reflection

This program provided the foundation for the emerging integration of modern neuroscience and education to improve teaching and learning. In this program I first explored the plethora of neuroscience literature and its practicality in education and delved into the Brain Targeted Teaching (BTT) model, which is a summation of science-based principles that can be executed in any classroom to improve learning, then I focused on important concepts in Cognitive Development, Neurobiology of Learning Differences, Literacy and Numeracy, and Special Topics in Brain Sciences to learn ways to maximize teaching and learning.  The lessons learned in this program not only helped me improve my understanding of how the brain learns , but also improved my own teaching by implementing the teaching tools derived from brain-science. Additionally, this knowledge will help me guide other teachers and policy-influencers to improve the teaching of any educational organization.

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