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Verbal Instructor

At Kalvirs MBA Consulting I assist students seeking to earn an MBA (Master of Business Administration) in English-speaking MBA programs, such as the TOEFL and IELTS (exams that certify student proficiency in English) and the GMAT (an exam that assesses analytical writing and problem-solving abilities). I teach 1 or 2 students per session using a laptop connected to an outward facing monitor for the students to see. The material use is Kalvirs material on a propriety platform or personally acquired material I’ve accumulated on Google Drive.




This position has been of tremendous help because it required me to learn many things beyond teaching English as a foreign language, such as:


  • High level English grammar necessary to do well on the GMAT Verbal sections

  • Instead of using paper, pens, and white boards I have become accustomed to delivering classes on a laptop.

  • I have become familiar with the psychology of learning: I am attentive to each student’s level of cognitive load and how close they are to being ready to take their respective exams.

  • I can now teach students how, when, and even where to study. It’s better to study in small study sessions spread out over time than to try to cram one day a week. Additionally, changing study locations has proven to enhance test scores.


Skills Gained:


  • Communication skills in English have greatly improved.

  • Awareness of effective and ineffective study habits

  • Ability to keep students engaged while avoiding cognitive overload

  • Ability to establish rapport better with highly educated students who work in Banking and Finance.




This job was one of the factors to caused me to study a M. Ed. program. Not only are my students pursuing Masters degrees, which encouraged me to do likewise, but the material I’ve had to master has also prepared me to communicate, especially to write, much better than before working at Kalvirs. The knowledge acquired at Kalvirs made the pursuit of an M. Ed. necessary because I had to learn to communicate on the graduate level, so there was no excuse for me not to apply my newly acquired skills to advance my own education.

Kalvirs Case Study -

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